Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's election day!

Daddy with his princesses
Sister Love

This Pic was from few months ago but it sure is cute.

Emma..so happy on a horse:)

I am so excited that today is voting day! This has been the most amazing election. You know what I am most excited about though? The voter turn out. I heard on NPR today that 80% of California will have voted this year. This is so amazing! Regardless of who wins for President or which propositions are voted on our country is fired up! It is so great to see that people are taking a stand for what they believe in. Yes there are millions of us voting, but each one of us counts just the same. It always blows my mind that my vote counts just as much as Brad Pitts or even Obama and McCains. Pretty cool that we are all on the same page.

So tonight my girlfriend Leah and I are helping out with the voting polls. I've done it twice before. It is top secret stuff. VERY IMPORTANT. At least that is what my bright orange jacket and super cool sign will say on my car. Basically I will be driving the ballots from Gilroy/San Martin to San Jose. And I get paid to do it! The first time I did it with Chris, the second time with a girfriend Ang. Really it was just an excuse to get out of the house and away from the kids. But this time around it actually means more to me. I do feel a bit a pride.

So on to life. Halloween was great. Saturday I had a test in Anatomy. I'm 1/2 way thru the semester now. I have been enjoying my Saturdays so much that I don't want them to come to an end. So far I have a 95% in the class. About a third of the class is not passing. Not to glote, but I do feel I've earned this A as I study like I should have when I went to Cal Poly. I also had my Human Development midterm last week. It went well. Just shy of an A on my exam but overall I am still carrying an A in the class.

Kaitlin, Emma and Daddy had fun Saturday building forts and watching home videos Saturday. It was super cute to come home to chairs, blankets and all sorts of fun things. He is quite the active dad on Saturdays. Last weekend he took them to the exploritorium in the city to go play and to see the Largest Blimp land in Moffett field.
Sunday we had some family time in the afternoon after I co-thru a babyshower for Ang. It was such a wonderful babyshower. She is having a boy and I have to say the boy things are far cuter now then I remember seeing before. It is so fun to be a part of someones pregnancy. But I have to say I AM so glad I'm done. Of course I still say anything could happen and maybe we'll have more later.
Kaitlin is excelling in school. She is REALLY into writing stories. And she wants to learn spanish. Chris and I are working with her with our limited knowledge. I'm looking into programs in the bay area to expose her. I wish we had a ton of extra money for programs like this. But I do have to say her Tae Kwon Do was the best investment we've made with her. I see her self confidence, self control and spirit. The only hard part to Tae Kwon Do is that it is 3 days a week so extra activies is a bit crazy unless we don't need downtime at home. And I am starting to feel like downtime is truly overrated anyways...

Emma is sassier then ever. She goes from sweet to sour in 2.5 seconds. It's just her age. In fact I've learned a new term in my class. Conservation. It is when a child can not escape an emotion. They fixate on it. It has to do with brain development. So anyways.. it has made me be a bit more patient. Oh yah.. given she is round 2 it also helps to say. "I remember this." But she is far more joy then sorrow. She is IN LOVE with princesses, specifically the barbie princess movies and horses. A few weeks back a friend let us go onto her ranch and ride horses which we will definitely be doing again. You should see her face when she gets on a horse. Pure heaven.

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