Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've started a blog!

Hello Everyone! I've started a blog thanks to my bestest bud Erin. I go on her blog all the time and love it! She's funny, honest, and I think it is awesome that she keeps us all up to date on life in Alabama. So I've decided the do the same brain download on the internet as she has:) Keep granparents up to date, get out what I have to say, show off my kids and more.

On to my day...
Today I have a midterm in Human Development which should be a piece of cake. At least that is what I'm telling myself as it has been 6 years since I've taken a scantron test. Besides there is nothing that can compare to 80 questions in a 45 minute timed anatomy lab practical at 8am on Saturday. OH yeah.. for those of you who don't know I'm back at school! It is so awesome.

So outside of studying like crazy this AM I have do I say this.. COMPLETELY PMSing. Which usually just makes me get quiet because internally I am so passionate about EVERYTHING and therefore to save relationships that are dear to me and not say things I will regret I keep my mouth shut. But today I had a HUGE internal movement that just couldn't be stopped that I actually have to thank Judge Judy for. Strange huh? She said on Regis and Kelly something to the effect of, "if you don't stand up for what you believe in, then your not standing for anything." Our neighborhood is plastered with McCain/Palin and Yes on 8 signs. Now the McCain/Palin signs don't bug me so much as we all know who is going to win:) So put a sign your lawn to make yourself feel better. The second sign though has been eating at my stomach the last month and though I have been feeling super passionate that any church or political group would try to make it a law to discriminate people, LOTS of people all based on what they believe GOD thinks is down right ludicris. Back to the signs... I never like to "rock the boat" and yet the idea of actually plastering my own views on the lawn originally seemed tacky has become a fication in my mind. So today I put an Obama and No on 8 sign on my lawn. Amongst the many "other" signs in our neighborhood I felt SO good taking a stand. So thank you to my neighbors and town for inspiring me to join the club and stand up for what I believe in!

Oh... and granparents the kids are great:)


Anonymous said...

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! I have been anxiously awaiting your arrival!

Unknown said...

Amen to "no" on 8!!! I don't understand the discrimination or desire to take the rights away from decent law-abiding citizens.