Tuesday, May 19, 2009

oh the funny things in kindergarten

So yesterday the kindergarten teacher asked me to speak to her after school. My first thought was... oh shoot I shouldn't have let Kaitlin bring her soccer medal to school. Some kid didn't get one and cried about it.. but it was not the reason. Now.. if you could only see my face when I write this blog... as it brings tears of laughter to my eyes.

Apparently Kaitlin has been making a little boy at school feel very awkward by hugging him a lot and even giving him kisses on his arm on more than one occasion. Apparently she doesn't take No for an answer when this sweet little boy says back off. My daughter, nah? Now the mama of this little boy.. (oh by the way, this is her only child)... informed the teacher that not only did she want the teacher to have a talk with Kaitlin but that the teacher should also have a talk with me about Kaitlin's behavior.

What I find even more comical is the background story. Now we all know Kaitlin is betrothed to Austin. Yes I am reminded daily of her undying love for her friend in Alabama. There would be no way she would cheat on him... ok give her a couple years, but in her Kindergarten mind she is having 3 children with this little man and they have already had a practice wedding. They just need to be 18 to make it official.

Back in April Kaitlin comes to me and says, "Can you believe Tommy loves me, Kayla (classmate) told me that he loves me, but Bella told me she likes Tommy, so I told Bella that she's my friend and that I won't like Tommy." Of course I had to pry, "Are there any other boys who like you?" And of course, "oh yes.. there's Carson, Evan, even Alan likes me."

Now knowing my own devilish flirtation which I do remember starting very young my gut tells me Kaitlin is a little tease already. And yes I'm proud. I'm certain when she found out Tommy had a crush it gave her permission to dote on him in her mind.

Now on a completely different note, when did the good old fashion mom to mom talk stop? Or hello they're kids, REALLY? Did we already get a sexual harassment talk at 5.

So now I have to talk to Kaitlin, which I think is completely dumb as we all know Kaitlin is a huge love bug. But I do remember she has always by pasted that little word No when she doesn't feel the person really means it and she can be a little cuddle bug at times. So as I'm telling her what the teacher says.. mid sentence she interrupts me. "MOM why do two people need to tell me about this. My teacher already told me. I can't go near him, I am not allowed to touch him. I get it." And then I ask, "Did Tommy ever tell you no?".. and her response...."well he hugged me first."

Oh brother....

Friday, May 8, 2009

Up early and at them

So today Kaitlin is going on a field trip to Alum Rock park to collect leaves and go for a hike. They are taking a school bus.... which is very exciting for her and somewhat terrifying for me. Just a few weeks back I chaperoned a field trip on the school bus. I'm blown away that in 2009 the buses still don't have seat belts. We raise our children to be so SAFETY conscious and then say.. but as long as there are 40 plus of you, no boosters or seat belts are need. Hmmmm...... interesting. But today will be a taste of what a full school day will be like without her next year. I'm SO HAPPY that this year was a half day. I feel like it will be a great transition in the Fall. Now I just need to find Emma a preschool part time for next year.

On a completely different and very happy note, my butt and thighs are shrinking! Yes my new jeans I bought a month ago are baggy on me. I'm looking forward to having them taken in on the waist. Vinyasa kicked my butt yesterday. But I feel so strong after taking this class. It's amazing how toned my arms are just doing this class once a week. I'm proud of Racheal who came and endured it with me. You go girl! Having Zumba on Wednesdays and Vinyasa on Thursdays is a great tag team on my body. But I need to get on youtube and figure out some of the dance moves as I'm finding a few of the foot moves are confusing to me.

Emma woke up in an excellent mood today. She's been super snuggly and happy. Watching Land Before Time with hot chocolate will do it any day. I made a new discovery this morning with Emma. She seems to feel that coming into bed in the middle of the night is FOR ME. Oh how sweet. Yes.. she said, "I'm so nice because I come and snuggle with you in the night." Hmmmm.... how do I explain to this wiggle worm that it's not snuggling, it's kick boxing. Something about getting punched in the face, stomach and back every night just has lost its appeal.

So I got up early and watched Grey's Anatomy. It was good, not great. I'm thinking they need to have something drastic happen for me to continue to next season. But was there not a new Private Practice? I'll have to check back on ABC later... this show has definitely peaked my interest this year. I was sad to see Dirty Sexy Money be cancelled. That was my favorite show for the season. Oh well..one less program to watch. I have to say though... canceling cable in March was a great decision. Everything is online now and thanks to Apple TV and Netflix we have everything at our finger tips.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

please make the whining stop!

I'm about to loose my mind today. Emma is at her peak whinyness. Whineeee bug, annoying, difficult, grumpy, bad attitude. The pitch along with the scream and constant annoyance is just ridiculous! How on earth did I give birth to such a grump? Grrrr... these could be a very long 15 years ahead of us if she doesn't change this aspect of her personality. I tell ya.. maybe people are born with the glass is half empty mentality. Chris and I sure do not run our lives that way. Please give me the strength not to seriously kick her out by the time she is 7. Maybe this is why parents send their kids away to boarding school? Always thought people were pretty messed up to send their kids away, but maybe they knew something I didn't. In her defense she is so very cute. I am a total believer in the science of cuteness. The cuter a little kid is the more a terror they are. The evidence is very convincing.

On a happy note I'm 25 minutes away from 90 minutes of freedom at the gym. Oh how I love to drop her off and work out. Even if she does scream. Why on earth do kids have to make such a darn big deal out of being dropped off when 15 seconds later they are totally fine.

So I am unofficially officially saying 2 kids is plenty. The days when I have a paycheck and can travel the world are actually in site. Oh.. and I am SOOO happy that we are inches away from being fully potty trained. The freedom! The extra 40 bucks a month who hooo... that we don't have to buy pull ups with. Man.. sad to say but this does make me want to do a little dance. Yes.. I truly am a mom.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend away!

Thanks to Sean and Jenna, Chris and I were able to get a full 24 hours away from the girls. This was the first time that I felt I could separate myself from the kids and enjoy my husband without being worried, wondering if Emma was going to completely freak out. I took every moment of peace and quiet and soaked it in. It was awesome! Needless to say Chris and I took full advantage of our 24 hours together. Each polishing off 6 cocktails, 2 beers, and a shot of patron. We have so much fun going to different pubs and bars in Monterey. I had no idea that downtown Monterey had so much to see and do. We talked and talked and talked. Watched girl on girl action in the bar. Yeah.. it was pretty crazy. Not to mention these girls came with spouses and the girls swapped guys for a bit of the night. Of course the night ended in spins. A great hang over in the morning. But what the heck we gotta live it up right? Breakfast was awesome. Oh how I love eggs benedict. Took a nap in the car while Chris had a photo shoot and then we spent several hours on the coast walking and tide pooling. I can't wait until Mexico when we have 6 days with out the kids! There is nothing like finding a connection again with your spouse where you can go on and on in conversation without having to stop from kid distractions.

School is less than 2 weeks from being done. I am so excited! It will be a great break for a few years while I wait to get into the nursing programs. I'm certain I'll find some hobby to do in the meantime. Ok.. step number one get into super good shape. I've been running 3 miles a day on the treadmill, rediscovered Vinyasa locally, and have just started Zumba. I can't wait to get better at this Latin dance class. I'm still 2 steps behind the teacher but I think by the end of the month I'll have her moves down. I am hoping that I can start back at Yoga Source at least 1-2 times a week once school is over.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My New Career

Hi everyone. I have some wonderful news to share. I have decided to quit nursing school and start EXOTIC POLE DANCING. Did you know that this is a great form of exercise? I'm SO excited. Chris is really looking forward to helping me fine tune my skills. Unfortunately, the Valley is a little saturated with dancers right now. SO...the Schmauch family will be moving to Huntsville AL (right smack in the middle of the bible belt) to be near my bff, Erin. This area could use a little excitement and I plan on shaking things up a bit. As a courtesy to all of you, I will also warn ya that there are several clips of me "shakin' my thang" currently floating around on the net. IF you are actually interested, you can look me up under "Peaches Shoops It Up." Peaches is my stage name and I really work it to the song "Shoop" by Salt n' Pepa. You'll love it. I know Chris sure does. Thanks to all of you for your love and support.

Becky (aka. Peaches)
